ITS (Implant Team Seminar) Cadaver Course

Start Date: 08/14/2021

End Date: 08/15/2021

When: Aug 14-15, 2021  |  Long Beach, CA

City: Long Beach, CA

Description: The programs at Implant Team Seminars (ITS) foster a supportive and team-oriented relationship between the restorative doctor, surgeon and laboratory technician. After its inception in 1984, ITS quickly grew into the premier implant training program in North America. Today, ITS has futher broadened its education and team focus, became internationally recognized, partnered with top dental universities, and successfully educated more than two-thousand clinicians worldwide. With its exceptional faculty and cutting-edge curriculum, ITS‘s unique hands-on interactive training programs are designed to teach the most state-of-the-art surgical and prosthetic skills available today.

Course Objectives

  • Zygoma, pterygoid, nasalis implant placement
  • Treatment options in cases of severe atrophic jaws
  • Rethinking oral rehabilitation of severe atrophic jaw
  • Overview of intra and extra maxillary techniques
    Case selection and presentations
  • Head and neck anatomy
  • Hands-On fresh frozen cadaver surgery zygoma, pterygoid and nasalis, and lateral nerve repositioning
  • Hands-On maxilla & mandibular model surgery
  • Anatomical CT-scans interpretation of cadaver specimens
  • Two participants per cadaver
  • Fitting of the immediate and final prosthesis
